When we do that, we stick the disk directly onto the SAS/SATA bus, then
offline the drive and ship it ... I still have visions of the computer
failing when someone plugged in a USB keyboard and took Solaris 10 over the
limit for devices, destroying the pool (we were able to get some of the
drives back, but only by rebooting, and plugging them in one at a time, and
crossing fingers and letting it settle before trying the next drive)

USB is good for ZFS on Linux (useful to set the ashift on a backwards
compatible Solaris 10 zpool), but it's not really "prime time".


On 5 November 2015 at 16:23, Dave Pooser <dave...@pooserville.com> wrote:

> On 11/4/15, 11:54 PM, "Nikola M" <minik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >USB is not that good for high profile use anyway.
> >USB does not do checking of data during transwer (came to the light when
> >using USB wireless adapters).
> >ZFS helps there with checksums, but for regular things I would stick to
> >SAS and SATA.
> True, but when you occasionally need to move a couple TB cross-country a
> USB3 hard drive shipped overnight delivery is often less painful than
> using zfs send. ;-)
> --
> Dave Pooser
> Cat-Herder-in-Chief, Pooserville.com
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