Timothy Coalson <tsc...@mst.edu> writes:

> Actually, in the motherboard pictures I see 6 SATA ports (blue/black/red)
> and 8 SAS ports (white/gray), and the AIDA64 output shows 6 SATA ports, as
> expected.  It says the LSI 1068 chip is an 8-port chip, so 8 SAS ports
> would make sense.


Man, you've supplied some really good input in this thread.  Helps my
understanding quite a lot.   Thanks.

Just to make sure I've understood at least a bit of whats been said.
I'm thinking I can get my 6-8 sata disks running... no problem.  And
limited to 2 tb the sas ports but that limit still would be put well
above my original goal of 3-4 sets of mirrored hdd as zpools.

And then that leaves something like 50% more area to grow into if it
becomes necessary.

One question:  Something I've seen while looking at specs on this and
similar aged servers gave me the notion I might be able to install a
couple of IDE hdd.  

I do see IDE style connectors in the wiring harness

If that is so, it would suit me well since I have a pair of 500gb IDE
drives.  I'm thinking that might be a good place to stash rpool, leaving
all the sata/sas ports for data.

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