Murray <> writes:


>> Can anyone tell me what I'm looking at here?  What the color coding
>> means? How many are actually working sata ports?  What does RED
>> indicate?
> Images didn't get through, but from memory, there should be 6 sata
> ports and 8 sas ports on the motherboard. Should be an Lsi 1068e on
> the mobo.

I've posted them online at:

If there is an Lsi 1068... what impact would that have on an `oi'
install?  Wouldn't I want to ignore of disable any raid type stuff?

> I think I still have one as a spare at work, I will check tomorrow and let 
> you know for sure.
> The inside of the hp lid usually has a sticker detailing sata and sas
> ports, PCI-x and PCI-e slots, etc.

Egad, I had completely overlooked the info on the inside of lid.  I've
had the lid off laying with that info down... and never thought to
look.  Although I must have seen it when I took the cover off.

One big problem is that I'm pretty confused about sata and sas.  I did
google up and wikipaedia up on it...  but much of it went right over
my head.

What is the practical meaning in this case?  Can a sata disc run on an
SAS port?  If not what runs on them? 

> I had very good luck running OI on an 8400 with 12 gb ram.

OK, good news.

If you have time, please take a look at the images at the site listed
up above, and let me know what you can about what I'm seeing there

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