Евгений Парфенов wrote:
how to mount ntfs usb drive?
articles that i found was old and they expecting ntfs-3g in repo but i
don't see ntfs-3g...only ntfsprogs which i installed but when i mount
disk it says block device.
then i tried follow this article
now i can mount ntfs but when i backup my svn repositories it causes
DESC: The system has rebooted after a kernel panic.
fmdump -Vp -u c06b2e93-8229-6b35-8e55-b0c41c9b084c:
nvlist version: 0
version = 0x0
class = list.suspect
uuid = c06b2e93-8229-6b35-8e55-b0c41c9b084c
code = SUNOS-8000-KL
diag-time = 1401178182 906349
de = fmd:///module/software-diagnosis
fault-list-sz = 0x1
fault-list = (array of embedded nvlists)
(start fault-list[0])
nvlist version: 0
version = 0x0
class = defect.sunos.kernel.panic
certainty = 0x64
asru =
resource =
savecore-succcess = 0
os-instance-uuid = c06b2e93-8229-6b35-8e55-b0c41c9b084c
panicstr = BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault)
rp=ffffff00083dc760 addr=128 occurred in module "fuse" due to a NULL
pointer dereference
panicstack = unix:die+dd () | unix:trap+17db () |
unix:cmntrap+e6 () | fuse:fuse_vfs_modldrv+38a64444 () |
fuse:fuse_vfs_modldrv+38a64a53 () | genunix:fop_putpage+74 () |
genunix:fsflush_do_pages+2c5 () | genunix:fsflush+39a () |
unix:thread_start+8 () |
crashtime = 1401178067
panic-time = May 27, 2014 06:07:47 PM YAKT YAKT
(end fault-list[0])
fault-status = 0x1
severity = Major
__ttl = 0x1
__tod = 0x53844846 0x38c16f28
SunOS subversion 5.11 oi_151a9 i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
If you installed the fuse kernel module from the mentioned
page, when it initializes, it logs its own location. This
should look like :
Fuse kernel 1.1AR.4 interface 7.8
Fuse kernel init at 0xfffffffff8139643, vfs_modldrv at 0xffffffffc012d1c8
Would you please this last line (from the process which
segfaulted), which I need to decode where the fuse kernel
module segfaulted ?
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