On 05/27/14 12:40 PM, Евгений Парфенов wrote:
how to mount ntfs usb drive?
articles that i found was old and they expecting ntfs-3g in repo but i don't see ntfs-3g...only ntfsprogs which i installed but when i mount disk it says block device.
ntfs-3g is in the SFE publisher (pkg.openindiana.org/sfe), and it works for me.

Only when searching 'ntfs' with pkg, it does not shows up when you do 'pkg search -rp ntfs',
but if you do 'pkg search -r ntfs-3g' it shows up.
And same goes for web page search and listing all available packages, where it shows.

Anyone knows why IPS/pkg does not shows packages when searching by a part of a package name?..
 $ pfexec pkg search -rp ntfs-3g
 pkg:/system/file-system/ntfs-3g/src@2011.1.15-     sfe
 pkg:/system/file-system/ntfs-3g/src@2012. sfe
 pkg:/system/file-system/ntfs-3g@2012.     sfe
So you can do:
pfexec pkg install ntfs-3g
(use 'pfexec format' command to find out where is device you are mounting)

then i tried follow this article http://jp-andre.pagesperso-orange.fr/openindiana-ntfs-3g.html now i can mount ntfs but when i backup my svn repositories it causes reboot.
Oh, I have found that too. (I also used to buid it from source long ago, before it was put in SFE)
Maybe we could test it and build new ntfs-3g and put it in SFE?..
But it obviously need to be tested how it work first. I can test it on OI Hipster and OI /dev.


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