Discussion list for OpenIndiana <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>

> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 05:41:44PM +0200, Discussion list for OpenIndiana 
> wrote:
>> Le 2014/05/21 17:26 +0200, Discussion List For Openindiana a écrit:
>> >The goal is to send any outgoing mail to another host on my home lan
>> >that relays it on.  The lan host requires no auth and accepts mail
>> >from my lan.
>> Easy. In a sendmail way of things.
> I've done it in a simpler way, running the submission agent only
> on the internal hosts.  Instead of relaying all e-mail to another
> sendmail running on the same internal host, they relayed it to the
> central sendmail server.  It knows how to send it on to Internet
> destinations.  Here's my submit.mc:

Oh great, another good example... man I love examples.. that is the
one really bad shortfall with an awful lot of documentation... its
short on practical examples.

I read that your way was possible, and it is described in oracle docs
and elsewhere... but the way its written, it sounded to me that using
submit.cf only... forfeited any ability to send mail locally.

Apparently that is not true eh?... But, is sendmail.cf just ignored
then or do you remove it or something?

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