I think I got it mixed up; There actually was an earlier similar-purpose
PROM that could have it's battery health "measured" by shorting some
pins, and gradually lowering the external Vcc.
You measured the voltage at some other pin and the change in that
voltage started lagging behind the change in Vcc at a voltage that was
related to the battery voltage. In those days, that PROM was a rather
expensive part. That was probably so long ago it might have been an
Ericsson support computer for remote-location phone station service
calls rather than a Sun box, and it might have been a war story from
before my employment at Ericsson.
I think NOT providing a way to measure the battery health in situ was a
bad design decision.
On 2013-12-23 20:55, David Brodbeck wrote:
On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 9:34 AM, Hans J. Albertsson <
hans.j.alberts...@branneriet.se> wrote:
I can't remember any more, but there might be a way to measure the actual
in-circuit battery voltage on external pins.
Don't think so, but I did once grind away the chip case to uncover the
battery connections, and supply external power that way. Those are some
memories. Not often you get to attack a computer with a Dremel. ;)
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