If I read that web site correctly, these NVRAMs are a little over 8 years old. This begs the question; has the shelf life of the included battery expired or not??

Internal leakage of these NVRAMs is minute in the disconnected state, but, depending on the version, remaining battery shelf life can be very short anyway.

I suggest buying a few, at least.

I can't remember any more, but there might be a way to measure the actual in-circuit battery voltage on external pins.

On 2013-11-24 02:30, Ray Butler wrote:
You can get replacement NVRAMs from here
I have hundreds of still in production Netra AX1105's and this is the only
source I've found for Sun NVRAM.
They come pre-programmed with MAC/Host ID so if you need the existing
config you'll have to program it yourself


On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 8:06 PM, Lou Picciano <loupicci...@comcast.net>wrote:

Hello Jim,

We've got a few of these old beasts around; the last of 'em still
anxiously awaiting its, uhhh... 'Retirement Party'.

Seems to me we had to replace a battery on at least one of these at some
point, but don't think it was the CR2032 'button' type, as I recall. Happy
to send you some parts as needed(?), though distances probably an issue!(?)
Happy, too, to disassemble one to find battery?

I do remember the project of flashing the EPROM when we got these
things...  Jumpers to be set, etc,; great fun!

Lou Picciano

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Klimov" <jimkli...@cos.ru>
To: "Discussion list for OpenIndiana" <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 5:45:19 PM
Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Offtopic question to old SPARC users

Hello all,

    My attention was requested to an old UltraSPARC E450 machine with
Solaris 8, whose clock was going slower and worse for the past few
days, maybe weeks. Since about today it has practically stopped -
or more precisely, loops over the same 2-3 second interval over and
over, even with NTP client enabled.

    My hunch would be a dead battery on CMOS, or whatever the analog
of one would be. Any ideas where it might be located, and what model
it is (like CR2032 on Intel-compatibles)? Any more ideas?

    So far they are doing backups and the machine will go into a diag
reboot; normal reboot did not clear the errors at least.

    The beast is old, but serves as an appliance of an old database
which nobody knows how to manage or migrate nowadays, even if into
a Solaris8 branded zone on a newer SPARC, and the production payload
is needed and important. Nobody knows how it works, but they know
too well what for. Bummer...

Thanks for any hints, hunches, anecdotes...
//Jim Klimov

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