A LiveCD is like that, so it's possible, but there are likely tradeoffs.

On Oct 27, 2012, at 4:30 PM, Gregory Youngblood wrote:

> Linux does this no problem most of the time. The only time it doesn't is when 
> you run custom kernels compiled explicitly for the hardware and do not 
> include modules for other hw.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Oct 27, 2012, at 1:08 AM, Roel_D <openindi...@out-side.nl> wrote:
>> Is it ever possible to take an OS from some piece of software and put it in 
>> a complete different piece of software? 
>> I know that windows will jam at once because all the installed 
>> chipsetdrivers of the first host will complain they can't find their beloved 
>> hardware at the second host. 
>> I can't imagine OI is so good it just will ignore these failure. Like for 
>> example the driver that used to be connected to your nic. 
>> Kind regards, 
>> The out-side
>> Op 27 okt. 2012 om 00:43 heeft Michelle Knight <miche...@msknight.com> het 
>> volgende geschreven:
>>> Thanks for the suggestions so far.  I'll try them tomorrow; I'm about
>>> to hit bed.
>>> Magnus, might I ask whether your USB legacy setting is on or off please?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Michelle.
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