2012-06-27 9:28, Gordon Ross wrote:
We at Nexenta implemented an option to allow such "child"
file systems under a share to be exposed by the share.
Unfortunately, I don't think it ever got pushed up-stream
to the illumos gate.  I guess you'd be in favor?

And the CIFS clients (windows, linux, etc.) can mount this
child in the sub-path of a share? I.e. these two datasets:
\\SERVER\share        == tank/export/share
\\SERVER\share\child  == tank/export/share/child

This is certainly an interesting option, I'd be in favor of
seeing it generally available - both as really useful, and
as a match for NFS service capabilities :)
For example, some userhomes are split into several datasets
for misc. reasons, and can't be easily accessed from Windows :(

So far my tests with explicit sharing of child datasets into
the namespace of a parent (a'la sharesmb=name=share\\child)
failed, and accesses from windows into \\SERVER\share\child
returned "Access denied" errors.

//Jim Klimov

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