Simply use the mountpoint property of the zfs filesystem to set
the mountpoint to /mountbase/zfsfilesys1, then set the sharenfs
or sharesmb property of the filesystem to export them. You may
also look at the casesensitivity property for the smb shares.

There's no need to use the sharemgr for this simple scenario.

On 26/06/2012 14:44, Armin Maier wrote:
Hello anybody!
I've got a problem centraly sharing ZFS filesystems.
What i want is to create zfs filesystems for different Usergroups and i want to
share them in a central location.

The idea was to create a "/mountbase" directory and share it with "sharemgr"
(this is working and i can access the share from my Windows 7 machine
"\\openindiana\zfs$" )
Mount the zfs Filesystems do directories within the "/mountbase" directory:

mkdir /mountbase/zfsfilesys1
mount -F lofs /zfspool/zfsfilesys1 /mountbase/zfsfilesys1

If i browse to the "/mountbase/zfsfilesys1" directory on the console i can see
all the Contents and everything is fine, but when i open the share
"\\openindiana\zfs$" i do net see any directories. If i unmount the
"/mountbase/zfsfilesys1" Directory it appears on the Windows computer.
Does someone know why this happens? Is there a "smbserver" setting which has to
be set? I do not use samba for sharing, i am using the Solaris smb service

Dr.Udo Grabowski    Inst.f.Meteorology a.Climate Research IMK-ASF-SAT
KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  
Postfach 3640,76021 Karlsruhe,Germany  T:(+49)721 608-26026 F:-926026

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