Mountpeaks wrote:
> (ok, you are right James, I probed that data at different times)
> To connect, I use DSL modem, that is connected to my laptop with cable. On 
> any linux distro I use "pppoe-setup" to configure my connection and it always 
> works. I never use GNOME/KDE network managers.
> Here is a new log file from OpenIndiana. First, I checked my connection with 
> my cable plugged in and modem turned on. Then I ran /usr/bin/pppoe call 
> myisp, and checked everything again.
> Please see this log here:

As I pointed out before, you have DHCP running on your rge0 interface,
and if you don't want to use DHCP, then you don't want that.

For your configuration, using both at the same time is toxic.  (It's
perhaps worth finding out why you have a rogue DHCP server on your
network ... but maybe not ...)

> My second OS is archlinux, and as said, I use pppoe-start to connect. Here 
> are my logs from arch right after I connected.
> See:

That system is clearly not configured to run DHCP on the Ethernet
interface, and is just using PPPoE.  The configuration is different, so
the results are different.

> I can't see the problem, as I severy lack knowledge on network interfaces and 
> how they are up on this level. I'm sorry. I hope my logs help. Maybe its 
> OpenIndiana's network manager that somehow interferes with pppoe?

I don't know exactly how you have your system configured.

At a guess, you're using NWAM.  If so, then you'll need to search around
for an expert in that.  I'm not one.  I've changed the subject line in
order to try to get someone's attention.

On a system using NWAM, 'svc:/network/physical:nwam' is enabled, and
configuration is done using the NWAM configuration tools.  Again, not an
expert in this.  But there should be a way to disable rge0, which is
what you really need to do here.  (I've read through the NWAM
documentation, but, frankly, I don't have the patience left to
understand it.)

On a system that uses the old-style configuration, that ':nwam' service
is not enabled, and 'svc:/network/physical:default' is instead enabled.
 Configuration of that service depends on version, but usually uses
ipadm.  Something like 'ipadm delete-if rge0' should do it, if you were
using that type of configuration.

You might try reading through some of the documentation:

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>

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