> I need some info on the subject of REALTEK card support in openindiana.
> Currently, when I launch driver & device detection app. My realtek card
> driver is red and "searching" message appears. However I do have a "wired"
> connection with ip notification from network manager.

I probably can't help with that part.  However, I'd expect that's just a
problem in the device detection application, and not a problem with the

> Yesterday I tried to set up my pppoe connection (I use dsl modem with
> pppoe to connect to the Internet), I could not up the connection. After
> issuing "/usr/bin/pppd call myisp" command, I'm quickly returned to promt
> without any signs of being connected (pppoe connection does require some
> seconds to be set). "ifconfig sppp0" does show the connection was set and
> my ip. My card for pppoe connection is rge0. I'm not sure but seems like
> my card id is RTL8168/8111.
> Anyway, is it a driver issue or something else?
> I've being doing the configuration according to this guide

I'd think that if "ifconfig sppp0" shows that there's a connection, then
at least some of the negotiation went well.  But that's a guess based on
just the text you've written rather than hard data.

It would be nice to see debug information.  You could get that with:

        /usr/bin/pppd call myisp debug updetach

That should dump the negotiation information to your screen and should
show how PPP is getting along.  Posting it here may be useful to anyone
who might be able to help out.

Anything you can post about the diagnostics and information produced by
the system -- syslog output, command output, error messages, network
configuration (netstat -ni, netstat -nr, ifconfig -a) -- would probably
be helpful in chasing down problems.  Again, posting that information
somewhere would be a good idea.

James Carlson         42.703N 71.076W         <>

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