On 30/03/2012 16:08, Jan Owoc wrote:
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 8:55 AM, Chris Ridd<chrisr...@mac.com>  wrote:
Am I reading this wrong? Is there a workaround?

I'm not sure if the repository got overwritten, or simply newer
packages got added without removing the old ones. If the latter, there
may be a way to force the installation of the older version of bind,
the one corresponding to the rest of the system. (Or if there still
exists a mirror of the original repository somewhere...)

Updating to from /dev and rebooting is an option. Or should I be 
changing my publisher to something more reliable?

There is (currently) no "stable" release of OI. Your choices are to
stay with whatever system you happened to install (it works!), or
update to the most recent "pre-stable" release. I'm unable to find
anything newer/more stable than this:

After refreshing the repositories with "pkg refresh --full", you may
or may not need to first update pkg ("pkg install -v
pkg:/package/pkg") before doing the full system upgrade (I did when
going from 151a to 151a-pre0).


OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list

There was no history rewriting (whatever that is supposed to mean), later versions are added to the repo with nothing being taken away.
The /dev repo is the most reliable for OI currently.

If you don't want to update then use:

pkg install blah@0.5.11-


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