On 30 Mar 2012, at 15:19, Jan Owoc wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 7:07 AM, Chris Ridd <chrisr...@mac.com> wrote:
>> We're running our server quite happily on OI, currently on 
>> entire@0.5.11,5.11-0.151.1
>> Trying to install service/network/dns/bind always creates a new BE. Poking 
>> around the dependencies I see it depends on pkgs from!
> The original repository for 0.151 was in /dev. When the next prestable

Yes, my publisher's origin is still pkg.openindiana.org/dev.

> came out, packages were put in /prestable, so that people like you
> could either stay with their current system and fetch things from
> /dev, or change their repository to point to /prestable and update
> their system.
> For some reason, a decision was made to put the next prestable "back"
> in /dev. Since that is where your repository is pointing, it will try
> to get the most recent version of "bind" from there. I would suppose
> that to ease testing all packages/dependencies must be at a specific
> release version (not sure if anything has actually changed in every
> single package from bind through zlib).

Rewriting history in a repository seems like a bad idea!

>> Am I reading this wrong? Is there a workaround?
> I'm not sure if the repository got overwritten, or simply newer
> packages got added without removing the old ones. If the latter, there
> may be a way to force the installation of the older version of bind,
> the one corresponding to the rest of the system. (Or if there still
> exists a mirror of the original repository somewhere...)

Updating to from /dev and rebooting is an option. Or should I be 
changing my publisher to something more reliable?


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