FWIW   OpenIndiana is my Internet connected machine, so I do some, but 
relatively little compiling on it.  However, I just went through a large number 
of compiles on it cleaning up compiler warnings for a package I help support 
using both gcc and the Studio suite.  There are no technical issues that I know 
of w/ either.

The compelling argument for the Studio suite over Gnu is dbx.   I've never used 
another debugger that can touch it on any system.  So that's better than any of 
about a dozen.

Have Fun!

--- On Fri, 12/9/11, jan van bijnen <je...@gmx.com> wrote:

> From: jan van bijnen <je...@gmx.com>
> Subject: [OpenIndiana-discuss] Which compiler?
> To: "Discussion list OpenIndiana" <openindiana-discuss@openindiana.org>
> Date: Friday, December 9, 2011, 4:54 AM
> As a new user I am confused about
> which compiler to use.
>  From the "How to build Illumos" page I get it that
> standards development tooling is slowly moving towards gcc.
>  https://www.illumos.org/projects/illumos-gate/wiki/How_To_Build_illumos
>  And then there still is sunstudio 12u1 from the
> openindiana.org/legacy repos.
>  In the OpenIndiana page "Setting up the recommended build
> environment"
>  http://wiki.openindiana.org/oi/Setting+up+the+recommended+build+environment
>  is still talking about the old patched "Sun Studio 12 to
> compile along side a patched Sun Studio 12.1", whilst we
> can't download this tarball for some time now.
>  On the same page I read the note
>  "Sun Studio 12.2 is available but has not been tested so
> please do not use at this time."
>  but... how old is this remark..?
>  Are there in the meantime enough tests done with Sun
> Studio 12.2?
>  How are most of you compiling your software?
>  Thanks & regards,
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