As a new user I am confused about which compiler to use.

 From the "How to build Illumos" page I get it that standards development 
tooling is slowly moving towards gcc.

 And then there still is sunstudio 12u1 from the repos.

 In the OpenIndiana page "Setting up the recommended build environment"
 is still talking about the old patched "Sun Studio 12 to compile along side a 
patched Sun Studio 12.1", whilst we can't download this tarball for some time 

 On the same page I read the note
 "Sun Studio 12.2 is available but has not been tested so please do not use at 
this time."
 but... how old is this remark..?
 Are there in the meantime enough tests done with Sun Studio 12.2?

 How are most of you compiling your software?

 Thanks & regards,
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