On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Alexander Lesle
<gro...@tierarzt-mueller.de> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have 3 User named "Fritz", "Paula" and "Georg" and I want to do all
> three in the smb-group "kids".
> First create the smb-group
> # smbadm create kids
> then add the users to the group
> # smbadm add-member -m Fritz -m Paula -m Georg kids
> now look at show
> # smbadm show -m kids
> kids (none)
>        SID: S-1-5-21-3426417962-2065886083-3854092125-2147483750
>        Members:
>                fr...@ripley.mutter.dom
>                pa...@ripley.mutter.dom
>                administra...@ripley.mutter.dom
> Something is going wrong.
> Georg --> Administrator
> OI is ripley
> workgroup is MUTTER.dom
> All shares where using the group kids or using the user Georg are smb
> disabled.
> Who can tell me where my mistake is and how can I solve it?

Probably something idmap related.
Maybe look at: idmap dump

Also, did you "smbadm enable-user" those users
and set passwords?

> How is the file name where smbadm write the user adjustments?


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