Hello All, I have 3 User named "Fritz", "Paula" and "Georg" and I want to do all three in the smb-group "kids". First create the smb-group # smbadm create kids then add the users to the group # smbadm add-member -m Fritz -m Paula -m Georg kids now look at show # smbadm show -m kids kids (none) SID: S-1-5-21-3426417962-2065886083-3854092125-2147483750 Members: fr...@ripley.mutter.dom pa...@ripley.mutter.dom administra...@ripley.mutter.dom
Something is going wrong. Georg --> Administrator OI is ripley workgroup is MUTTER.dom All shares where using the group kids or using the user Georg are smb disabled. Who can tell me where my mistake is and how can I solve it? How is the file name where smbadm write the user adjustments? -- Best Regards Alexander Mai, 15 2011 _______________________________________________ OpenIndiana-discuss mailing list OpenIndiana-discuss@openindiana.org http://openindiana.org/mailman/listinfo/openindiana-discuss