Alasdair Lumsden wrote:
On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Søren Krarup Olesen <> wrote:
Yes, I know all that, but I believe that legacy can be carried on in an
elegant way without being influenced by e.g. the Indiana project.
Besides, the term "Open" is more or less superflous these days; people
care about things being open source etc., but it really doens't have to
be part of the name IMHO...not anymore.
When I read "OpenIndiana" I read it as the name of a bit of software,
and I personally don't feel it has any association with the American
state of Indiana.
I know anti-american sentiment is quite strong these days thanks to
their unilateral approach to foreign affairs, but probably not so
great that it puts people off using our distribution :-)
I loved calling it Indy which seemed to irk certain ones on the osol
channel. It makes me think of Indiana Jones. My knowledge of USA
geography is rather poor...I did not even know there is a state called
Indiana. Hats off to the Dane and their world traveling sense. Even
their Little Mermaid headed off to Shanghai for a stint away from
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