On Wed, 2016-07-27 at 15:51 +0300, Ed Bartosh wrote:
> From: Patrick Ohly <patrick.o...@intel.com>
> When using conversion chaining (for example example: .dsk.vdi.xz),
> the imagetypes_getdepends() did not properly detect all compression
> commands (thus skipping the corresponding COMPRESS_DEPENDS) and
> the base type, leading to missing dependencies of the image's
> do_rootfs
> task.
> This is not a big problem in practice because in those cases where
> conversion chaining is useful (as in the example above), the missing
> dependency is qemu-native, which typically gets built anyway.
> imagetypes_getdepends() had hard-coded special treatment for certain
> image types. This gets replaced with setting the normal IMAGE_DEPENDS
> variables for these types.

Also, where is this hardcoding? I can't see it in the patch.

Perhaps http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?id=b567235c0c
e427e2cd478a0268a295c74208e917 fixed this already?

Just makes me all the more suspicious of this patch...



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