From: Patrick Ohly <>

When using conversion chaining (for example example: .dsk.vdi.xz),
the imagetypes_getdepends() did not properly detect all compression
commands (thus skipping the corresponding COMPRESS_DEPENDS) and
the base type, leading to missing dependencies of the image's do_rootfs

This is not a big problem in practice because in those cases where
conversion chaining is useful (as in the example above), the missing
dependency is qemu-native, which typically gets built anyway.

imagetypes_getdepends() had hard-coded special treatment for certain
image types. This gets replaced with setting the normal IMAGE_DEPENDS
variables for these types.

[YOCTO #9076]

Signed-off-by: Patrick Ohly <>
Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <>
 meta/classes/image.bbclass       | 19 ++-----------
 meta/classes/image_types.bbclass | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/image.bbclass b/meta/classes/image.bbclass
index af789f4..a3f48fa 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image.bbclass
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ IMAGE_TYPE_vm = '${@bb.utils.contains_any("IMAGE_FSTYPES", 
["vmdk", "vdi", "qcow
 inherit ${IMAGE_TYPE_vm}
 python () {
-    deps = " " + imagetypes_getdepends(d)
+    deps = " " + image_getdepends(d)
     d.appendVarFlag('do_rootfs', 'depends', deps)
     deps = ""
@@ -354,19 +354,6 @@ python () {
     ctypes = set(d.getVar('COMPRESSIONTYPES', True).split())
     old_overrides = d.getVar('OVERRIDES', 0)
-    def _image_base_type(type):
-        basetype = type
-        for ctype in ctypes:
-            if type.endswith("." + ctype):
-                basetype = type[:-len("." + ctype)]
-                break
-        if basetype != type:
-            # New base type itself might be generated by a conversion command.
-            basetype = _image_base_type(basetype)
-        return basetype
     basetypes = {}
     alltypes = d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True).split()
     typedeps = {}
@@ -377,7 +364,7 @@ python () {
             alltypes.append("debugfs_" + t)
     def _add_type(t):
-        baset = _image_base_type(t)
+        baset = image_split_type(t, ctypes)[0]
         input_t = t
         if baset not in basetypes:
             basetypes[baset]= []
@@ -396,7 +383,7 @@ python () {
             if dep not in alltypes:
-            basedep = _image_base_type(dep)
+            basedep = image_split_type(dep, ctypes)[0]
         if baset != input_t:
diff --git a/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass b/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
index 2b97397..c24df8f 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
@@ -9,30 +9,47 @@ IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX ??= ".rootfs"
 # set this value to 2048 (2MiB alignment).
-def imagetypes_getdepends(d):
-    def adddep(depstr, deps):
-        for d in (depstr or "").split():
-            # Add task dependency if not already present
-            if ":" not in d:
-                d += ":do_populate_sysroot"
-            deps.add(d)
+def image_split_type(type, allctypes):
+    '''Returns (basetype, set of compression types in use).'''
+    basetype = type
+    compressiontypes = set()
+    for ctype in allctypes:
+        if type.endswith("." + ctype):
+             basetype = type[:-len("." + ctype)]
+             compressiontypes.add(ctype)
+             break
-    fstypes = set((d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True) or "").split())
-    fstypes |= set((d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES_DEBUGFS', True) or "").split())
+    if basetype != type:
+        # New base type itself might be generated by a conversion command.
+        basetype, newctypes = image_split_type(basetype, allctypes)
+        compressiontypes.update(newctypes)
-    deps = set()
-    for typestring in fstypes:
-        types = typestring.split(".")
-        basetype, resttypes = types[0], types[1:]
+    return (basetype, compressiontypes)
-        adddep(d.getVar('IMAGE_DEPENDS_%s' % basetype, True) , deps)
+def image_getdepends(d):
+    def adddep(depstr, deps):
+        # It is not an error if the dependency was not set,
+        # simply do nothing in that case.
+        for i in (depstr or "").split():
+            if i not in deps:
+                deps.append(i)
+    deps = []
+    ctypes = set(d.getVar('COMPRESSIONTYPES', True).split())
+    for type in (d.getVar('IMAGE_FSTYPES', True) or "").split():
+        basetype, compressiontypes = image_split_type(type, ctypes)
+        for ctype in compressiontypes:
+            adddep(d.getVar("COMPRESS_DEPENDS_%s" % ctype, True), deps)
         for typedepends in (d.getVar("IMAGE_TYPEDEP_%s" % basetype, True) or 
             adddep(d.getVar('IMAGE_DEPENDS_%s' % typedepends, True) , deps)
-        for ctype in resttypes:
-            adddep(d.getVar("COMPRESS_DEPENDS_%s" % ctype, True), deps)
+        adddep(d.getVar('IMAGE_DEPENDS_%s' % basetype, True) , deps)
+    depstr = ""
+    for dep in deps:
+        depstr += " " + dep + ":do_populate_sysroot"
+    return depstr
-    # Sort the set so that ordering is consistant
-    return " ".join(sorted(deps))
@@ -294,6 +311,13 @@ IMAGE_DEPENDS_ubifs = "mtd-utils-native"
 IMAGE_DEPENDS_multiubi = "mtd-utils-native"
 IMAGE_DEPENDS_wic = "parted-native"
+# Same dependencies as in ext4. image_getdepends() shouldn't
+# have to hard-code this, so just define it normally in
+# variables.
 # This variable is available to request which values are suitable for 
     jffs2 jffs2.sum \

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