We need to expand SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION later, so
do not immediate expansion, and do the work in
anonymous python function.

It is reasonable to give an error for -O0.

[YOCTO #7058]

Signed-off-by: Hongxu Jia <hongxu....@windriver.com>
 meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc | 22 ++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc 
index 17fa2d5..7c4551a 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/glibc/glibc.inc
@@ -9,26 +9,20 @@ PATH_prepend = "${STAGING_BINDIR_TOOLCHAIN}.${STAGINGCC}:"
 # glibc can't be built without optimization, if someone tries to compile an
-# entire image as -O0, we override it with -O2 here and give a note about it.
-def get_optimization(d):
-    selected_optimization = d.getVar("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", True)
-    if bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O2", "x", "", d) == "x":
-        return selected_optimization
-    elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O", "x", "", d) == "x":
+# entire image as -O0, break with fatal.
+python () {
+    if bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O", "x", "", d) == "x":
         bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O, -O -Wno-error will be used 
-        return selected_optimization.replace("-O", "-O -Wno-error")
+        d.appendVar("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", " -Wno-error")
     elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O0", "x", "", d) == "x":
-        bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O0, -O2 will be used instead.")
-        return selected_optimization.replace("-O0", "-O2")
+        bb.fatal("glibc can't be built with -O0, using -O1 -Wno-error or -O1 
     elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-Os", "x", "", d) == "x":
         bb.note("glibc can't be built with -Os, -Os -Wno-error will be used 
-        return selected_optimization.replace("-Os", "-Os -Wno-error")
+        d.appendVar("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", " -Wno-error")
     elif bb.utils.contains("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", "-O1", "x", "", d) == "x":
         bb.note("glibc can't be built with -O1, -O1 -Wno-error will be used 
-        return selected_optimization.replace("-O1", "-O1 -Wno-error")
-    return selected_optimization
-SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION := "${@get_optimization(d)}"
+        d.appendVar("SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION", " -Wno-error")
 # siteconfig.bbclass runs configure which needs a working compiler
 # For the compiler to work we need a working libc yet libc isn't

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