On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 11:12 PM, Ming Liu <liu.min...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/22/2016 09:39 PM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
>> On 16-01-20 6:29 PM, Ming Liu wrote:
>>> On 01/20/2016 05:43 AM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
>>>> On 2016-01-19 4:57 PM, Ming Liu wrote:
>>>>> On 01/19/2016 08:39 PM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
>>>>>> On 16-01-05 08:12 AM, Ming Liu wrote:
>>>>>>> From: Ming Liu <peter.x....@external.atlascopco.com>
>>>>>>> It makes no sense to install a initramfs bundled kernel image since
>>>>>>> do_package does not depend on do_bundle_initramfs at all,
>>>>>>> otherwise, it
>>>>>>> leads to a implicit kernel-image package depending on do_package run
>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>> or after do_bundle_initramfs.
>>>>>> Again. So why not just add the ordering in the task dependencies ?
>>>>> If we add a intertask dependency like:
>>>>> add bundle_initramfs before do_install after do_deploy do_package
>>>>> Then it will somehow introduce a circular dependency as I described in
>>>>> another mail.
>>>>>> I'm probably missing something, which just means we need to tweak
>>>>>> the commit log a bit more.
>>>>> Maybe I should add some description in commit log about why I think we
>>>>> could not introduce a intertask dependency as a fix.
>>>> That would be ideal, the more information the better.
>>>>>> The code you are removing is conditional, and is run after an
>>>>>> explicit kernel_do_compile is called, to rebuild the existing
>>>>>> kernel configuration with an embedded initramfs (via alternate
>>>>>> initrd).
>>>>>> So outside of some ordering/parallel execution issues, I'm not seeing
>>>>>> it as broken.
>>>>> Yes, I agree, it will not break the kernel re-compiling, the problem I
>>>>> want to fix here is just that it does not provide a certain way that we
>>>>> could add initramfs bundled kernel image into a rootfs.
>>>> Speaking of breaking. What happens to existing users of INITRAMFS_IMAGE?
>>>> Do their existing image types and bundling continue to work without
>>>> modification ?
>>> That depends, the existing users always can find the INITRAMFS_IMAGE
>>> bundled kernel in DEPLOY_DIR with or without my patches, it is not
>>> broken. But if they want it installed in the rootfs, for some reasons,
>>> they will have the problem, like in my company, we want to boot the
>>> kernel from /boot/ on a USB disk, but it is not guaranteed we will get
>>> the INITRAMFS_IMAGE bundled kernel there during the build.
>> Right. And if someone isn't doing any initramfs bundling, is there
>> any impact ? No variables to change, etc ?
> Would not impact, no need to change any variables.
>> I'd suggest double checking meta-initramfs:
>> http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/layer/meta-initramfs/
> OK, I will do that and let you know the results.
>> And checking with Andrea to be sure that none of the existing use
>> cases are broken.
> OK, I will check with Andrea after I finished the tests with meta-initramfs
> layer.
> //Ming Liu
>> Bruce
>>> //Ming Liu
>>>> Bruce
>>>>> //Ming Liu
>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Ming Liu <peter.x....@external.atlascopco.com>
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>   meta/classes/kernel.bbclass | 4 ----
>>>>>>>   1 file changed, 4 deletions(-)
>>>>>>> diff --git a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
>>>>>>> b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
>>>>>>> index 4ce1611..d1ca614 100644
>>>>>>> --- a/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
>>>>>>> +++ b/meta/classes/kernel.bbclass
>>>>>>> @@ -179,10 +179,6 @@ do_bundle_initramfs () {
>>>>>>>           kernel_do_compile
>>>>>>>           mv -f ${KERNEL_OUTPUT} ${KERNEL_OUTPUT}.initramfs
>>>>>>>           mv -f ${KERNEL_OUTPUT}.bak ${KERNEL_OUTPUT}
>>>>>>> -        # Update install area
>>>>>>> -        echo "There is kernel image bundled with initramfs:
>>>>>>> ${B}/${KERNEL_OUTPUT}.initramfs"
>>>>>>> -        install -m 0644 ${B}/${KERNEL_OUTPUT}.initramfs
>>>>>>> ${D}/boot/${KERNEL_IMAGETYPE}-initramfs-${MACHINE}.bin
>>>>>>> -        echo "${B}/${KERNEL_OUTPUT}.initramfs"
>>>>>>>       fi
>>>>>>>   }


I could not yet test the proposed changes.
For a quick test please do build initramfs-kexecboot-klibc-image for qemu.


P.S. We did restore the old documentation about plain embedded
initramfs, pls have a look at the (outdated) msg:
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