On 01/03/2016 02:01 PM, Phil Blundell wrote:
> On Sun, 2016-01-03 at 00:53 +0100, Matthias Schiffer wrote:
>> +                   ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 
>> 'merged-usr','merged-usr', '', d)} \
> Why is this DISTRO_FEATURE (or the corresponding PACKAGECONFIG)
> required?  Surely it ought to suffice to simply set ${base_bindir} etc,
> and everything else should follow from that.  This, albeit the other way
> around, is what micro has been doing for years.
> p.

Basically, I didn't want to break existing configurations. There might
be unusual distros which don't want these symlinks (or want different
ones). Of course, the alternative would be to force such distros to
override the bases-files recipe in a .bbappend.

I don't know of any OE-based distros with such unusual setups, but
Debian is an example: they basically set base_libdir to /lib/$TARGET,
but don't symlink /lib64 to this on 64bit targets. Instead, /lib64 is
empty except of a symlink to the dynamic linker which is expected in /lib64.


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