Hi Ross,

> Yes, since copy_license_files() function is executed within the pseudo
>> environement (fakeroot), both os.getuid() and os.getgid() return 0,
>> which resembles to uid and gid of root user. Also, os.chown accepts integer
>> values for 2nd and 3rd arguments.
> So is there any advantage to using os.getuid() over hardcoding 0:0? It's
> not like root is going to have a different UID.
> The intention of using os.getuid() is to avoid writing hardcoded value
 "0", since os.getuid() return "0" under fakeroot env; if root user is
having UID as 0.That's the advantage I can think of.

The above has been tested with Poky (Jethro version), it worked fine.
But still, if the opinion is to change os.getuid() and os.getgid() to 0, I
will send v2.


> Ross
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