Hi Jagadeesh,

Thanks, usually, patch should go into master branch before go into stable
branch such as jethro. IMHO, jethro branch may not take this fix even if
master merges it. The problem is that oe-core doesn't create package for
${PN}-lic atm, this patch is treated as part of the enhancement which is
used for working with creating ${PN}-lic.

// Robert

On 11/25/2015 02:54 PM, Jagadeesh Krishnanjanappa wrote:
We get below host contamination warnings of license files for
each recipe, when we try to create a separate ${PN}-lic package (which
contains license files), by setting LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE equal to "1"
in local.conf.

-- snip --
WARNING: QA Issue: libcgroup: 
/libcgroup-lic/usr/share/licenses/libcgroup/generic_LGPLv2.1 is owned by uid 
5001, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to host 
contamination [host-user-contaminated]
WARNING: QA Issue: attr: /attr-lic/usr/share/licenses/attr/libattr.c is owned 
by uid 5001, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to 
host contamination [host-user-contaminated]
WARNING: QA Issue: bash: /bash-lic/usr/share/licenses/bash/COPYING is owned by 
uid 5001, which is the same as the user running bitbake. This may be due to 
host contamination [host-user-contaminated]
-- CUT --

Since the license files from source and OE-core, are populated in a normal
shell environment rather in pseudo environment (fakeroot); the ownership of
these files will be same as host user running bitbake. During the do_package
task (which runs in pseudo environment (fakeroot)), os.link preserves the
ownership of these license files as host user instead of root user.
This causes license files to have UID same as host user id and resulting in
above warnings during do_package_qa task.

Changing ownership of license files to root user under fakeroot environment
will solve above warnings, and on exiting fakeroot environment the license
files will continue to be owned by host user.

Signed-off-by: Jagadeesh Krishnanjanappa <jkrishnanjana...@mvista.com>
  meta/classes/license.bbclass | 1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/meta/classes/license.bbclass b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
index c616a20..d400ac0 100644
--- a/meta/classes/license.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ def copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir):
              if os.access(src, os.W_OK) and (os.stat(src).st_dev == 
                  os.link(src, dst)
+                os.chown(dst,os.getuid(),os.getgid())
                  shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
          except Exception as e:

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