On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Viguera, Javier <javier.vigu...@digi.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Burton, Ross [mailto:ross.bur...@intel.com]
>> If we're adding u-boot to the SDK then we should add every bootloader.
>> But why install grub for a PPC SDK?  This is why I suggested adding
>> the right bootloader for each machine.
> Hi Ross,
> Not sure if I follow you. Are you suggesting adding this in a bbappend inside 
> a BSP layer instead of oe-core?
> Or something like the following would be suitable for oe-core?:
> RDEPENDS_${PN}_append_arm = " nativesdk-u-boot-mkimage"
> This seems strange to me as I don't know if all ARM machines use u-boot as 
> bootloader. How do I restrict this per-machine?
> Notice that strictly speaking this is not "adding u-boot to the SDK". It's a 
> host tool that allows to create kernel images suitable for u-boot. But not 
> only that, it also allows for example to create FIT (Flattened Image Tree) 
> images. I seem to remember there was a patch lately to add support for FIT 
> images to oe-core.

Ross concern is because we shouldn't force mkimage in every SDK. If
someone is using barebox, or grub, it shouldn't be added.

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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