On 2 October 2014 15:34, Viguera, Javier <javier.vigu...@digi.com> wrote:
> Hi Ross,
> I was not targeting any specific BSP. I was just using a generic toolchain 
> created with poky. My steps:
> 1. Clone Poky (or oe-core)
> 2. Created a generic project and configure for 'qemuarm' (MACHINE=qemuarm 
> changed in local.conf)
> 3. bitbake meta-toolchain
> With this toolchain you can build zImage kernel images but not uImage. Sure 
> the uImage is to be used with u-boot, but I see the value of having a generic 
> ARM toolchain and that still allows me to create uImage files. The mkimage 
> binary adds about 80 KB in a 273 MB toolchain (doesn't seem too much).

If we're adding u-boot to the SDK then we should add every bootloader.
But why install grub for a PPC SDK?  This is why I suggested adding
the right bootloader for each machine.

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