On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Mike Looijmans
<mike.looijm...@topic.nl> wrote:
> I have a deja-vu feeling about this question.
> I have this recipe:
> https://github.com/topic-embedded-products/meta-topic/blob/master/recipes-bsp/fpga/fpga-image-miami.bb
> Which includes this one:
> https://github.com/topic-embedded-products/meta-topic/blob/master/recipes-bsp/fpga/fpga-image.inc
> I have a build server that exports its sstate-cache directory through HTTP,
> and a local host that attempts to use that sstate-cache. This works fine,
> except for the recipe above. Building this recipe takes about 1 hour, so i
> really really really want to share that state at any cost. As you can see,
> I've done a big shotgun blast of "vardepdsexclude" to get the recipe to be
> as common as possible. Still any host wants to build its own version.
> How can I diagnose the REASON that my machine thinks it isn't building the
> exact same thing as the build server?

see https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Enable_sstate_cache
towards the end it talks about verifying sstate sigs

> Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,
> Mike Looijmans
> TOPIC Embedded Systems
> Eindhovenseweg 32-C, NL-5683 KH Best
> Postbus 440, NL-5680 AK Best
> Telefoon: (+31) (0) 499 33 69 79
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> E-mail: mike.looijm...@topic.nl
> Website: www.topic.nl
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