On 06/03/2014 10:45 AM, Richard Purdie wrote:
On Tue, 2014-06-03 at 07:35 +0200, Mike Looijmans wrote:
On 06/03/2014 07:25 AM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
Worst case, you can pull the siginfo files from one build and the
siginfo files from the sstate mirror and then see which ones are
different, then run bitbake-diffsigs X Y to compare the two files.

How do I find what to pull? I have (ssh) access to both machines. The
sstate-cache dir contains a bunch of two-digit directories and a gazillion 

I could just copy the whole thing to one machine, there's gigabit between
them, but then what do I do with these files?

mike:~/zynq_platform/build$ find sstate-cache -name
'*fpga-image-miami*.siginfo' | wc -l

Suppose I copy them. Where do I copy them to, and what do I do with these 480
files to tell me why the system insists on rebuilding this package?


PS: I really really want to find out. Several of these FPGA recipes take 3.5
hours to build on the fastest i5 we could buy. So you can imagine we really
want to prevent having to build it more than once.

Let me explain the manual process you can follow for this. Its a pain to
walk through and its what -S attempts to automate but you should be able
to get an answer manually this way.

You have BUILDA and BUILDB, the two builds which should be reusing
sstate but are not. The fact they're on different machines is irrelevant
to this procedure. It would help if these two builds are just the result
of "bitbake fpga-image-miami" but that isn't essential, it will just
introduce more noise. It will also help if they are either both built
from an existing sstate cache or both not.

The first thing I'd do in each build:

"find tmp/stamps/ -type f | sort > stamplistA.txt"

I'd then so something like:

"meld stamplistA stamplistB"

the next steps depend upon how clear the differences are. Basically
there should be some degree of commonality between the two builds and at
some point there will be divergence. We need to pinpoint the point of
divergence. The divergence will be in fpga-image-miami itself or in one
of its dependencies.

ALL stamps for ALL tasks for fpga-image-miami are different. There's a few thousand lines in these files, with very few similarities.

The one thing which can confuse this view is if some things were reused
from sstate. You can tell since a task which runs looks like:


and a task which is from sstate looks like:


The "_setscene" part tells you this. Machine specific tasks have the
machine name appended to them ".qemux86" in this case. The hash
representing the task is clear in the filename
("a49fa811727c557c14ab6ce6f2973587" in this case").

You'll have to filter out any "noise" from these changes you're not
interested in. If a task is "_setscene" its dependencies may be missing
from the list of files entirely (no install/compile/configure etc.).

So you take a guess at the divergence point and take note of the two
different hashes. You can then find the corresponding siginfo files in

find sstate-cache/ -name *d90d4404368125acd109a2ac64ca688f*


I'll just go for the "do_fetch" task then, since that's about the first to execute.

which are the sstate files corresponding to my above x11-common task.
You will note that the first two letters of the hash are used as a
directory prefix. You can also find sigdata files in the stamp

$ find tmp/stamps/ -type f | grep d90d440

The sigdata and siginfo files are identical and equivalent. Once you
have the two sstate files, you can run:

bitbake-diffsigs A.siginfo B.siginfo

and this will tell you why their hashes are different. If you need help
deciphering that output, link to it and I can help.

If you didn't guess the divergence point correctly, it will tell you
that some prior task is actually different. In that case you would then
go and fetch the siginfo tasks for the previous task and compare those.
Either you find the difference or again, you have to trace it further

Its a pain of a process to go through but it is deterministic and you
will eventually find the difference. Have a go and if you have any
issues let me know and I'll do what I can to help.

Thank you very much!

So far, on one project (that is, NOT the fpga-image-miami) the SRC_URI is slightly different. The machines are on various sides of a router/firewall, so SRC_URI="git://${MY_SERVER}/blabla" evaluates differently.

How can I tell the system that the value of "MY_SERVER" is irrelevant to each and every build step in each and every recipe?

I'm still digging into the fpga recipes, but that's rather slow because each build takes about an hour, and that's for the "fast" ones.


Met vriendelijke groet / kind regards,

Mike Looijmans

TOPIC Embedded Systems
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