On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 11:23 PM, Mark Hatle <mark.ha...@windriver.com> wrote:
> A few misc fixes relating to toolchain and image generation.
> The first two in the set simply updated gcc to remove the -symlinks package
> in favor of update-alternatives.
> The next fixes an issue w/ the previous binutils patch and upgrades.
> Next 2 update packagegroups to make revise and use the
> packagegroup-core-buildessentials.
> The final patch fixes an issue w/ the image generatation.  If the
> IMAGE_INSTALL contains a dependency instead of a package name, the system
> was not able to translate it into a package.  This now works properly.
> Note, there is a case where an unresolvable set could be determined (rare,
> but it is possible), in this case the user would need to add whatever is
> required to fix it to the IMAGE_INSTALL.  (This could happen when 2 or more
> conflicting packages all have the same provide, but none of them are in
> the IMAGE_INSTALL line.  The system will attempt to determine which to
> use, by checking if any of them are already in the IMAGE_INSTALL -- otherwise
> it chooses the first entry.  If something else implied by a packagegroup
> chooses a different version, a conflict would be generated.)

Which package backends has been tested  with those changes?

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
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