Ok, agree with you to have 2 recipes.
But can you show me the way how to avoid building systemd twice (in
systemd and python-systemd) while including python bindings in
Best regards,

2013/7/9 Burton, Ross <ross.bur...@intel.com>:
> On 5 July 2013 00:31, Yevhen Kyriukha <kirg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +inherit gtk-doc useradd pkgconfig autotools perlnative update-rc.d 
>> update-alternatives qemu \
>> +        ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'python', 'pythonnative 
>> python-dir', '', d)}
> You've just invented a new DISTRO_FEATURE, right?  I don't think we
> should invent these without due thought.  There's a good discussion to
> be had around a distro feature to enable all Pythonic integration
> where possible, but it hasn't been had yet.
> I see two options here:
> 1) systemd doesn't enable Python, and we add another recipe
> systemd-python that only builds and ships the Python bindings.
> 2) Decide as a project that we need a new DISTRO_FEATURE "python" that
> means "has full support for Python", meaning that every package that
> had Python integration should enable it.
> I'm currently leaning towards (1) as it's less intrusive on the OE
> environment as a whole.
> Ross
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