I was using simple script to build each component alone:


rm -rf tmp-eglibc/abi_version tmp-eglibc/buildstats tmp-eglibc/cache 
tmp-eglibc/deploy tmp-eglibc/log tmp-eglibc/pkgdata pseudodone 
tmp-eglibc/saved_tmpdir tmp-eglibc/sstate-control tmp-eglibc/stamps 
tmp-eglibc/sysroots tmp-eglibc/work-shared tmp-eglibc/work/*
rm -rf log.*

ls -d buildhistory/packages/*/* | xargs -n 1 basename | sort -u > component.list
ncomponents=`cat component.list | wc -l`
for component in `cat component.list`; do
  echo "Building component: ${component} ($i/$ncomponents)"
  bitbake -c cleansstate ${component} | tee log.${component};
  bitbake ${component} | tee -a log.${component};
  rm -rf tmp-eglibc/abi_version tmp-eglibc/buildstats tmp-eglibc/cache 
tmp-eglibc/deploy tmp-eglibc/log tmp-eglibc/pkgdata pseudodone 
tmp-eglibc/saved_tmpdir tmp-eglibc/sstate-control tmp-eglibc/stamps 
tmp-eglibc/sysroots tmp-eglibc/work-shared tmp-eglibc/work/*
  i=`expr $i + 1`
grep "NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted.*failed.$" log.*

That should cover missing mandatory dependencies.
Comparing depends.dot files in buildhistory between incremental build and this 
per-component build should detect at least some autodetected dependencies. In 
per-component builds it can find only libraries already included in dependency 
tree, so dependencies lost in buildhistory aren't deterministic.
Even better would be to run per-component build once after building world 
without removing tmp-eglibc, that will allow components to autodetect all 
possible libraries and then run another per-component build with removing 
tmp-eglibc which allows to detect libraries from dependency-tree.

The following changes since commit 3e1dbabbf33a2e461abc92ff10cd970fe604ee38:

  sysstat: backport a patch to fix a parallel building error (2013-07-02 
07:58:10 -0700)

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.openembedded.org/openembedded-core-contrib jansa/deps

Martin Jansa (8):
  (lib)telepathy*: add missing dependency on libxslt-native
  gst-plugins-bad: inherit gsettings
  gst-plugins-base: add missing dependency on glib-2.0-native
  taglib: add missing dependency on zlib
  quota: inherit pkgconfig
  libpam: inherit pkgconfig
  systemtap: inherit pkgconfig
  eglibc-locale: add missing dependency on

 meta/recipes-connectivity/telepathy/libtelepathy_0.3.3.bb            | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-connectivity/telepathy/telepathy-glib_0.20.1.bb         | 3 +--
 meta/recipes-connectivity/telepathy/telepathy-idle_0.1.14.bb         | 3 +--
 .../telepathy/telepathy-mission-control_5.14.0.bb                    | 4 +---
 meta/recipes-connectivity/telepathy/telepathy-python_0.15.19.bb      | 1 +
 meta/recipes-core/eglibc/eglibc-locale.inc                           | 5 +++++
 meta/recipes-extended/pam/libpam_1.1.6.bb                            | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/quota/quota_4.01.bb                            | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-kernel/systemtap/systemtap_git.bb                       | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad_0.10.23.bb         | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base_0.10.36.bb        | 2 +-
 meta/recipes-support/taglib/taglib_1.8.bb                            | 2 ++
 12 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)


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