On 07/04/2013 05:58 PM, Burton, Ross wrote:
> On 4 July 2013 11:58, Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.pa...@intel.com> wrote:
>> +    sed -i $D${datadir}/applications/shutdown.desktop -e 
>> 's#^Exec=\(.*\)#Exec=${base_sbindir}/\1#'
> Doing this in postinst is pretty nasty, 
Nasty, in what way? How is this line different from the previous line in
the same postinstall? That one is also using sed to change 'halt' to
'reboot' for qemuarm. Is it the sed you're worried about? This
postinstall is executed on host anyway, at do_rootfs().

> instead change the desktop
> file to contain something like @SBIN@ and run it through sed in
> do_install.
Even though the change you're proposing is OK, involves changing the
desktop file to add the @SBIN@ pattern and move the sed line to
do_install(). Compared to having one single line added in the
postinstall... I would choose the latter, unless you elaborate on what
do you actually mean by "nasty".

> Ross
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