On 20 June 2013 11:25, Paul Eggleton <paul.eggle...@linux.intel.com> wrote:
> On Thursday 20 June 2013 11:16:37 Paul Eggleton wrote:
>> To be honest I think ENTERPRISE_DISTRO needs to go. It's not even clear what
>> it should mean, and it's not consistently implemented. For things we want
>> to be optional we have PACKAGECONFIG; for items that have licensing
>> requirements that might be troublesome in certain deployments we have
> Sorry, that should have read "and LICENSE_FLAGS already has a mechanism to
> prevent a recipe being built based on the current settings and report why."

I decided to do a quick grep. "ENTERPRISE_DISTRO" isn't found at all
in openembedded-core, and in meta-openembedded it's just in the
following places, after I've converted mplayer2 to using PACKAGECONFIG

= "virtual/libsdl flac libmikmod libvorbis
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '', 'libmad', d)}"
= "--disable-music-mp3 --enable-music-ogg --enable-music-ogg-tremor
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '',
'--enable-music-mp3-mad-gpl', d)} LIBS=-L${STAGING_LIBDIR}"
./meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/libav/libav.inc:DEPENDS = "x264
virtual/libsdl zlib libogg libvorbis libvpx libtheora
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '', 'liba52', d)}"
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '', 'libmad libid3tag
liba52 mpeg2dec', d)}"
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', \
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '', 'libmad lame
libid3tag', d)}"
./meta-efl/recipes-efl/e17/enjoy_svn.bb:DEPENDS += "gst-plugins-good
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '', 'gst-plugins-ugly',
${@base_conditional('ENTERPRISE_DISTRO', '1', '',
'gst-plugins-ugly-mad gst-plugins-good-id3demux', d)} \

So if we do want to get rid of this, it shouldn't be too much work.

Paul Barker

Email: p...@paulbarker.me.uk
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