On 17 June 2013 13:26, Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.pa...@intel.com> wrote:
> People using xserver-xorg that need to calibrate their touchscreen
> devices would also need meta-oe. Bringing the recipes to oe-core will
> make it easier for them.
> Aditionaly, drop xterm RDEPENDS. Terminal is not needed to run the menu
> item.

I don't really like how there's a xdg-autostart desktop file and a
systemd service file for loading the calibration and performing
calibration - a single xsession file as xtscal does will be sufficient
and actually work in Sato as it can block the rest of the UI before

Also persistent calibration doesn't work with non-root X users, so
maybe the tool should use ~/.pointercal.xinput if it can't write to

Apart from that I've got a touchscreen that isn't X-axis-reversed now. :)

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