On Jan 31, 2013, at 2:30 PM, Harvey Chapman <hchapman-oec...@3gfp.com> wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Harvey Chapman <hchapman-oec...@3gfp.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 31, 2013, at 9:45 AM, "Robert P. J. Day" <rpj...@crashcourse.ca> 
>> wrote:
>>> and i'm trying to build a core-image-minimal.  with regular
>>> (git-allowed) net access, the build works fine.  but i haven't yet
>>> found any combination of BB_SRCREV_POLICY or BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY or
>>> anything else that let's me "fetchall", then disconnect from the net
>>> to do the build.
>> This really seems like a bug in bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/git.py to me. It 
>> should honor BB_NO_NETWORK by trying to see if it has the tag locally before 
>> it runs the ls-remote to see if the tag has changed. I was going to suggest 
>> this earlier in the thread, but due to my relatively new experience with 
>> layered OE and the newer bitbake, I refrained. However, I was just inside 
>> that code updating the mercurial.py fetcher to actually work for file:// 
>> urls. At some point in the next few weeks, I'll update it further to try and 
>> be on par with git.py and to at least match the functionality since 
>> mercurial.py does things differently. It makes it difficult to understand 
>> them both if you only know how to use one.
> I made some minor tweaks to git.py so _latest_revision() now respects 
> BB_NO_NETWORK. However, I noticed that fetch2.latest_revision() contains:
>        revs = bb.persist_data.persist('BB_URI_HEADREVS', d)
>        key = self.generate_revision_key(url, ud, d, name)
>        try:
>            return revs[key]
>        except KeyError:
>            revs[key] = rev = self._latest_revision(url, ud, d, name)
>            return rev
> What does BB_URI_HEADREVS do and could it be part of the solution to this 
> problem?

Nevermind, found BB_URI_HEADREVS is used for BB_SRCREV_POLICY=cache.
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