just so anyone else is welcome to try to reproduce what i'm fighting
with, here's my new project configuration:

  /home/rpjday/oe/dist/layers/oe-core/meta \
  /home/rpjday/oe/dist/layers/meta-ti \

MACHINE ??= "am180x-evm"
BBMASK = "meta-ti/recipes-misc"

and i'm trying to build a core-image-minimal.  with regular
(git-allowed) net access, the build works fine.  but i haven't yet
found any combination of BB_SRCREV_POLICY or BB_FETCH_PREMIRRORONLY or
anything else that let's me "fetchall", then disconnect from the net
to do the build.

  have at it if you are so inclined.  i'm quite willing to be told i'm
a moron for having done something silly.


p.s.  just want to verify something -- bitbake really does parse *all*
available recipes, not just the ones that will be used for the build,
right?  i'm assuming i can dispense with such unneeded files by just
BBMASKing them away, correct?


Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday
LinkedIn:                               http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rpjday

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