Just a FYI.
After the bitbake-server getting stuck after bitbake exited
with Python 3.12 issue was fixed, here's another one.
This time it's semi-reliably triggered by the jack recipe
in meta-openembedded:
ERROR: jack-1.19.22-r0 do_configure: Error executing a python function in
exec_func_python() autogenerated:
The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'exec_func_python() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
*** 0002:waf_preconfigure(d)
lineno: 58, function: waf_preconfigure
0054: wafbin = os.path.join(subsrcdir, 'waf')
0055: try:
0056: result = subprocess.check_output([python, wafbin, '--version'],
cwd=subsrcdir, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
0057: version = result.decode('utf-8').split()[1]
*** 0058: if bb.utils.vercmp_string_op(version, "1.8.7", ">="):
0059: d.setVar("WAF_EXTRA_CONF", "--bindir=${bindir}
0060: except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
0061: bb.warn("Unable to execute waf --version, exit code %d. Assuming waf
version without bindir/libdir support." % e.returncode)
0062: except FileNotFoundError:
File: '/home/zozo/test-yocto-4.3-gh/bitbake/lib/bb/utils.py', lineno: 150, function:
0146: Compare two versions and check if the specified comparison operator matches
the result of the comparison.
0147: This function is fairly liberal about what operators it will accept since
there are a variety of styles
0148: depending on the context.
0149: """
*** 0150: res = vercmp_string(a, b)
0151: if op in ('=', '=='):
0152: return res == 0
0153: elif op == '<=':
0154: return res <= 0
File: '/home/zozo/test-yocto-4.3-gh/bitbake/lib/bb/utils.py', lineno: 140, function:
0136: return r
0138:def vercmp_string(a, b):
0139: """ Split version strings and compare them """
*** 0140: ta = split_version(a)
0141: tb = split_version(b)
0142: return vercmp(ta, tb)
0144:def vercmp_string_op(a, b, op):
File: '/home/zozo/test-yocto-4.3-gh/bitbake/lib/bb/utils.py', lineno: 91, function:
0087: """Split a version string into its constituent parts (PE, PV,
0088: s = s.strip(" <>=")
0089: e = 0
0090: if s.count(':'):
*** 0091: e = int(s.split(":")[0])
0092: s = s.split(":")[1]
0093: r = ""
0094: if s.count('-'):
0095: r = s.rsplit("-", 1)[1]
Exception: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'SyntaxWarning'
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in:
"Semi-reliably", i.e. about 50-50 or 60-40 percent failure vs success rate.
Usually the second run succeeds after a failure.
I copied vercmp_string_op() and all others called by it
from bitbake/lib/bb/utils.py into a new python script as a
minimum test case. Running this script inside a locally
cloned jack git repository has 100% success rate.
It looks like an internal Python "flake" issue.
Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi
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