Make the deploy function independent from d. This allows to call the
function also from Python code not running in bitbake.
This is needed to for the devtool ide plugin which will call the
do_install task and the code from devtool deploy-target independently
from a bitbake server. This allows a much quicker workflow.

Signed-off-by: Adrian Freihofer <>
 scripts/lib/devtool/ |   5 +-
 scripts/lib/devtool/   | 230 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/lib/devtool/ b/scripts/lib/devtool/
index 702db669de3..7d64547616e 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/devtool/
+++ b/scripts/lib/devtool/
@@ -78,12 +78,15 @@ def exec_fakeroot(d, cmd, **kwargs):
     """Run a command under fakeroot (pseudo, in fact) so that it picks up the 
appropriate file permissions"""
     # Grab the command and check it actually exists
     fakerootcmd = d.getVar('FAKEROOTCMD')
+    fakerootenv = d.getVar('FAKEROOTENV')
+    exec_fakeroot_no_d(fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, cmd, kwargs)
+def exec_fakeroot_no_d(fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, cmd, **kwargs):
     if not os.path.exists(fakerootcmd):
         logger.error('pseudo executable %s could not be found - have you run a 
build yet? pseudo-native should install this and if you have run any build then 
that should have been built')
         return 2
     # Set up the appropriate environment
     newenv = dict(os.environ)
-    fakerootenv = d.getVar('FAKEROOTENV')
     for varvalue in fakerootenv.split():
         if '=' in varvalue:
             splitval = varvalue.split('=', 1)
diff --git a/scripts/lib/devtool/ b/scripts/lib/devtool/
index e14a5874177..ea7e2cb1ae8 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/devtool/
+++ b/scripts/lib/devtool/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import bb.utils
 import argparse_oe
 import oe.types
-from devtool import exec_fakeroot, setup_tinfoil, check_workspace_recipe, 
+from devtool import exec_fakeroot_no_d, setup_tinfoil, check_workspace_recipe, 
 logger = logging.getLogger('devtool')
@@ -133,16 +133,11 @@ def _prepare_remote_script(deploy, verbose=False, 
dryrun=False, undeployall=Fals
     return '\n'.join(lines)
-def deploy(args, config, basepath, workspace):
-    """Entry point for the devtool 'deploy' subcommand"""
+def deploy_cached(srcdir, workdir, path, strip_cmd, libdir, base_libdir, 
max_process, fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, args):
     import math
     import oe.recipeutils
     import oe.package
-    check_workspace_recipe(workspace, args.recipename, checksrc=False)
         host, destdir =':')
     except ValueError:
@@ -152,116 +147,131 @@ def deploy(args, config, basepath, workspace):
     if not destdir.endswith('/'):
         destdir += '/'
+    recipe_outdir = srcdir
+    if not os.path.exists(recipe_outdir) or not os.listdir(recipe_outdir):
+        raise DevtoolError('No files to deploy - have you built the %s '
+                        'recipe? If so, the install step has not installed '
+                        'any files.' % args.recipename)
+    if args.strip and not args.dry_run:
+        # Fakeroot copy to new destination
+        srcdir = recipe_outdir
+        recipe_outdir = os.path.join(workdir, 'devtool-deploy-target-stripped')
+        if os.path.isdir(recipe_outdir):
+            exec_fakeroot_no_d(fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, "rm -rf %s" % 
recipe_outdir, shell=True)
+        exec_fakeroot_no_d(fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, "cp -af %s %s" % 
(os.path.join(srcdir, '.'), recipe_outdir), shell=True)
+        os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join([os.environ['PATH'], path or ''])
+        oe.package.strip_execs(args.recipename, recipe_outdir, strip_cmd, 
libdir, base_libdir, max_process)
+    filelist = []
+    inodes = set({})
+    ftotalsize = 0
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(recipe_outdir):
+        for fn in files:
+            fstat = os.lstat(os.path.join(root, fn))
+            # Get the size in kiB (since we'll be comparing it to the output 
of du -k)
+            # MUST use lstat() here not stat() or getfilesize() since we don't 
want to
+            # dereference symlinks
+            if fstat.st_ino in inodes:
+                fsize = 0
+            else:
+                fsize = int(math.ceil(float(fstat.st_size)/1024))
+            inodes.add(fstat.st_ino)
+            ftotalsize += fsize
+            # The path as it would appear on the target
+            fpath = os.path.join(destdir, os.path.relpath(root, 
recipe_outdir), fn)
+            filelist.append((fpath, fsize))
+    if args.dry_run:
+        print('Files to be deployed for %s on target %s:' % (args.recipename,
+        for item, _ in filelist:
+            print('  %s' % item)
+        return 0
+    extraoptions = ''
+    if args.no_host_check:
+        extraoptions += '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o 
+    if not args.show_status:
+        extraoptions += ' -q'
+    scp_sshexec = ''
+    ssh_sshexec = 'ssh'
+    if args.ssh_exec:
+        scp_sshexec = "-S %s" % args.ssh_exec
+        ssh_sshexec = args.ssh_exec
+    scp_port = ''
+    ssh_port = ''
+    if args.port:
+        scp_port = "-P %s" % args.port
+        ssh_port = "-p %s" % args.port
+    if args.key:
+        extraoptions += ' -i %s' % args.key
+    # In order to delete previously deployed files and have the manifest file 
+    # the target, we write out a shell script and then copy it to the target
+    # so we can then run it (piping tar output to it).
+    # (We cannot use scp here, because it doesn't preserve symlinks.)
+    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtool')
+    try:
+        tmpscript = '/tmp/'
+        tmpfilelist = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tmpscript), 
+        shellscript = _prepare_remote_script(deploy=True,
+                                            verbose=args.show_status,
+                                            nopreserve=args.no_preserve,
+                                            nocheckspace=args.no_check_space)
+        # Write out the script to a file
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(tmpscript)), 'w') as f:
+            f.write(shellscript)
+        # Write out the file list
+        with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(tmpfilelist)), 'w') as 
+            f.write('%d\n' % ftotalsize)
+            for fpath, fsize in filelist:
+                f.write('%s %d\n' % (fpath, fsize))
+        # Copy them to the target
+        ret ="scp %s %s %s %s/* %s:%s" % (scp_sshexec, 
scp_port, extraoptions, tmpdir,, os.path.dirname(tmpscript)), 
+        if ret != 0:
+            raise DevtoolError('Failed to copy script to %s - rerun with -s to 
+                            'get a complete error message' %
+    finally:
+        shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+    # Now run the script
+    ret = exec_fakeroot_no_d(fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, 'tar cf - . | %s  %s %s 
%s \'sh %s %s %s %s\'' % (ssh_sshexec, ssh_port, extraoptions,, 
tmpscript, args.recipename, destdir, tmpfilelist), cwd=recipe_outdir, 
+    if ret != 0:
+        raise DevtoolError('Deploy failed - rerun with -s to get a complete '
+                        'error message')
+'Successfully deployed %s' % recipe_outdir)
+    files_list = []
+    for root, _, files in os.walk(recipe_outdir):
+        for filename in files:
+            filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), 
+            files_list.append(os.path.join(destdir, filename))
+def deploy(args, config, basepath, workspace):
+    """Entry point for the devtool 'deploy' subcommand"""
+    check_workspace_recipe(workspace, args.recipename, checksrc=False)
     tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(basepath=basepath)
             rd = tinfoil.parse_recipe(args.recipename)
+            srcdir = rd.getVar('D')
+            workdir = rd.getVar('WORKDIR')
+            path = rd.getVar('PATH')
+            strip_cmd = rd.getVar('STRIP')
+            libdir = rd.getVar('libdir'),
+            base_libdir = rd.getVar('base_libdir')
+            max_process = int(rd.getVar("BB_NUMBER_THREADS") or os.cpu_count() 
or 1)
+            fakerootcmd = rd.getVar('FAKEROOTCMD')
+            fakerootenv = rd.getVar('FAKEROOTENV')
+            deploy_cached(srcdir, workdir, path, strip_cmd, libdir, 
base_libdir, max_process, fakerootcmd, fakerootenv, args)
         except Exception as e:
             raise DevtoolError('Exception parsing recipe %s: %s' %
                             (args.recipename, e))
-        recipe_outdir = rd.getVar('D')
-        if not os.path.exists(recipe_outdir) or not os.listdir(recipe_outdir):
-            raise DevtoolError('No files to deploy - have you built the %s '
-                            'recipe? If so, the install step has not installed 
-                            'any files.' % args.recipename)
-        if args.strip and not args.dry_run:
-            # Fakeroot copy to new destination
-            srcdir = recipe_outdir
-            recipe_outdir = os.path.join(rd.getVar('WORKDIR'), 
-            if os.path.isdir(recipe_outdir):
-                exec_fakeroot(rd, "rm -rf %s" % recipe_outdir, shell=True)
-            exec_fakeroot(rd, "cp -af %s %s" % (os.path.join(srcdir, '.'), 
recipe_outdir), shell=True)
-            os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join([os.environ['PATH'], 
rd.getVar('PATH') or ''])
-            oe.package.strip_execs(args.recipename, recipe_outdir, 
rd.getVar('STRIP'), rd.getVar('libdir'),
-                        rd.getVar('base_libdir'), rd)
-        filelist = []
-        inodes = set({})
-        ftotalsize = 0
-        for root, _, files in os.walk(recipe_outdir):
-            for fn in files:
-                fstat = os.lstat(os.path.join(root, fn))
-                # Get the size in kiB (since we'll be comparing it to the 
output of du -k)
-                # MUST use lstat() here not stat() or getfilesize() since we 
don't want to
-                # dereference symlinks
-                if fstat.st_ino in inodes:
-                    fsize = 0
-                else:
-                    fsize = int(math.ceil(float(fstat.st_size)/1024))
-                inodes.add(fstat.st_ino)
-                ftotalsize += fsize
-                # The path as it would appear on the target
-                fpath = os.path.join(destdir, os.path.relpath(root, 
recipe_outdir), fn)
-                filelist.append((fpath, fsize))
-        if args.dry_run:
-            print('Files to be deployed for %s on target %s:' % 
-            for item, _ in filelist:
-                print('  %s' % item)
-            return 0
-        extraoptions = ''
-        if args.no_host_check:
-            extraoptions += '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o 
-        if not args.show_status:
-            extraoptions += ' -q'
-        scp_sshexec = ''
-        ssh_sshexec = 'ssh'
-        if args.ssh_exec:
-            scp_sshexec = "-S %s" % args.ssh_exec
-            ssh_sshexec = args.ssh_exec
-        scp_port = ''
-        ssh_port = ''
-        if args.port:
-            scp_port = "-P %s" % args.port
-            ssh_port = "-p %s" % args.port
-        if args.key:
-            extraoptions += ' -i %s' % args.key
-        # In order to delete previously deployed files and have the manifest 
file on
-        # the target, we write out a shell script and then copy it to the 
-        # so we can then run it (piping tar output to it).
-        # (We cannot use scp here, because it doesn't preserve symlinks.)
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='devtool')
-        try:
-            tmpscript = '/tmp/'
-            tmpfilelist = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tmpscript), 
-            shellscript = _prepare_remote_script(deploy=True,
-                                                verbose=args.show_status,
-                                                nopreserve=args.no_preserve,
-            # Write out the script to a file
-            with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(tmpscript)), 'w') 
as f:
-                f.write(shellscript)
-            # Write out the file list
-            with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(tmpfilelist)), 
'w') as f:
-                f.write('%d\n' % ftotalsize)
-                for fpath, fsize in filelist:
-                    f.write('%s %d\n' % (fpath, fsize))
-            # Copy them to the target
-            ret ="scp %s %s %s %s/* %s:%s" % (scp_sshexec, 
scp_port, extraoptions, tmpdir,, os.path.dirname(tmpscript)), 
-            if ret != 0:
-                raise DevtoolError('Failed to copy script to %s - rerun with 
-s to '
-                                'get a complete error message' %
-        finally:
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        # Now run the script
-        ret = exec_fakeroot(rd, 'tar cf - . | %s  %s %s %s \'sh %s %s %s %s\'' 
% (ssh_sshexec, ssh_port, extraoptions,, tmpscript, 
args.recipename, destdir, tmpfilelist), cwd=recipe_outdir, shell=True)
-        if ret != 0:
-            raise DevtoolError('Deploy failed - rerun with -s to get a 
complete '
-                            'error message')
-'Successfully deployed %s' % recipe_outdir)
-        files_list = []
-        for root, _, files in os.walk(recipe_outdir):
-            for filename in files:
-                filename = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), 
-                files_list.append(os.path.join(destdir, filename))

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