On 2012年01月10日 00:17, Mark Hatle wrote:
On 1/8/12 1:11 AM, Xiaofeng Yan wrote:
From: Xiaofeng Yan<xiaofeng....@windriver.com>

For packaging source codes to source rpm package, adding Sources,\
Patches and prep stage in spec file.
"Sources" include source codes (type of tar.gz) and \
log files including log.do_patch and log.do_configure (type of tar.gz)
"Patches" include all patches called in bb file.
"prep" is for user viewing the result in the stage of doing patch and configuration
for example:
User can use the following command to run the stage of prep.
$rpmbuild -bp package.spec
<show the result of log.do_patch and log.configure>

[YOCTO #1655]

Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan<xiaofeng....@windriver.com>
meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass b/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
index d03dc3f..3e0ca15 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ RPM="rpm"


python package_rpm_fn () {
d.setVar('PKGFN', d.getVar('PKG'))
@@ -422,6 +423,19 @@ python write_specfile () {
import textwrap
import oe.packagedata

+ def add_prep(spec_files_bottom):
+ bb.build.exec_func('not_srpm', d)
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%%prep -n %s' % d.getVar('PN', True) )
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "set +x")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "cd $RPM_SOURCE_BUILD")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "tar zxvf $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/log.tar.gz")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "echo \"============ do patch ==============\"")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "cat log.do_patch*")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "echo \"============ do configure ==========\"")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "cat log.do_configure*")
+ spec_files_bottom.append('')

The above will simply print the output of the do_patch and do_configure steps. It would probably be better to simply include the steps themselves... but with the python based steps I'm not sure that is possible.
The stage of prep can work with command "rpmbuild -bp xxx.spec" on target platform. I have also a query. if I plus "%prep" between "%package" and "%file", then "prep" can't work but if plussing "%prep after "%file"", then "%prep" can work. I don't know why about that.

So returning the log entries is likely the next best thing.

I should modify codes like the following.

def add_prep(spec_files_bottom):
bb.build.exec_func('not_srpm', d)
if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
spec_files_bottom.append('%%prep -n %s' % d.getVar('PN', True) )
spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "set +x")
spec_files_bottom.append('%s' % "echo \"include log.do_unpack and log.do_patch, Please check them in log.tar.gz from SOURCES\"")

only tell user to find log files in detailed place. right?

Note, you don't need the wild cards in this, you should simply cat out the version log.do_patch instead of log.do_patch* -- bitbake ensures that the last log file is always the one with the symbolic link.


# We need a simple way to remove the MLPREFIX from the package name,
# and dependency information...
def strip_multilib(name, d):
@@ -533,6 +547,13 @@ python write_specfile () {
srcmaintainer = d.getVar('MAINTAINER', True)
srchomepage = d.getVar('HOMEPAGE', True)
srcdescription = d.getVar('DESCRIPTION', True) or "."
+ bb.build.exec_func('not_srpm', d)
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ tpkg_name = d.getVar('PF',True)
+ srctargz = tpkg_name + ".tar.gz"
+ logtargz = "log.tar.gz"

srcdepends = strip_multilib(d.getVar('DEPENDS', True), d)
srcrdepends = []
@@ -557,6 +578,11 @@ python write_specfile () {
spec_files_top = []
spec_files_bottom = []

+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ srcpatches = []
+ bb.build.exec_func('get_patches', d)
+ srcpatches = d.getVar('PLIST',True)
for pkg in packages.split():
localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)

@@ -637,7 +663,7 @@ python write_specfile () {
bb.note("Creating EMPTY RPM Package for %s" % splitname)

@@ -714,7 +740,7 @@ python write_specfile () {
spec_scriptlets_bottom.append('# %s - %s' % (splitname, script))
# Now process files
file_list = []
walk_files(root, file_list, conffiles)
@@ -732,7 +758,8 @@ python write_specfile () {

del localdata
+ add_prep(spec_files_bottom)
spec_preamble_top.append('Summary: %s' % srcsummary)
spec_preamble_top.append('Name: %s' % srcname)
spec_preamble_top.append('Version: %s' % srcversion)
@@ -743,6 +770,11 @@ python write_specfile () {
spec_preamble_top.append('Group: %s' % srcsection)
spec_preamble_top.append('Packager: %s' % srcmaintainer)
spec_preamble_top.append('URL: %s' % srchomepage)
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ spec_preamble_top.append('Source: %s' % srctargz)
+ spec_preamble_top.append('Source1: %s' % logtargz)

# Replaces == Obsoletes&& Provides
if srcrreplaces and srcrreplaces.strip() != "":
@@ -764,6 +796,11 @@ python write_specfile () {
print_deps(srcrsuggests, "Recommends", spec_preamble_top, d)
print_deps(srcrprovides, "Provides", spec_preamble_top, d)
print_deps(srcrobsoletes, "Obsoletes", spec_preamble_top, d)
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ numid = 1
+ for patch in srcpatches:
+ print_deps(patch, "Patch" + str(numid), spec_preamble_top, d)
+ numid += 1

# conflicts can not be in a provide! We will need to filter it.
if srcrconflicts:
@@ -817,12 +854,6 @@ python write_specfile () {
except OSError:
raise bb.build.FuncFailed("unable to open spec file for writing.")

- # RPMSPEC_PREAMBLE is a way to add arbitrary text to the top
- # of the generated spec file
- external_preamble = d.getVar("RPMSPEC_PREAMBLE", True)
- if external_preamble:
- specfile.write(external_preamble + "\n")
for line in spec_preamble_top:
specfile.write(line + "\n")

@@ -947,9 +978,14 @@ python do_package_rpm () {
d.setVar('PACKAGE_ARCH_EXTEND', package_arch)
pkgwritedir = bb.data.expand('${PKGWRITEDIRRPM}/${PACKAGE_ARCH_EXTEND}', d) pkgarch = bb.data.expand('${PACKAGE_ARCH_EXTEND}${TARGET_VENDOR}-${TARGET_OS}', d) - magicfile = bb.data.expand('${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}${datadir_native}/misc/magic.mgc', d) + magicfile = bb.data.expand('${STAGING_DIR_NATIVE}/usr/share/misc/magic.mgc', d)
os.chmod(pkgwritedir, 0755)
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True):
+ pkgwritesrpmdir = bb.data.expand('${PKGWRITEDIRSRPM}/${PACKAGE_ARCH_EXTEND}', d)
+ bb.mkdirhier(pkgwritesrpmdir)
+ os.chmod(pkgwritesrpmdir, 0755)

cmd = rpmbuild
cmd = cmd + " --nodeps --short-circuit --target " + pkgarch + " --buildroot " + pkgd
@@ -962,8 +998,17 @@ python do_package_rpm () {
cmd = cmd + " --define 'debug_package %{nil}'"
cmd = cmd + " --define '_rpmfc_magic_path " + magicfile + "'"
cmd = cmd + " --define '_tmppath " + workdir + "'"
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM': + cmdsrpm = cmd + " --define '_sourcedir " + workdir + "' --define '_srcrpmdir " + pkgwritesrpmdir + "'"
+ cmdsrpm = cmdsrpm + " -bs " + outspecfile
cmd = cmd + " -bb " + outspecfile

+ # Build the source rpm package !
+ if not d.getVar('NOTSRPM', True) and d.getVar('ARCHIVE_TYPE', True) == 'SRPM':
+ d.setVar('SBUILDSPEC', cmdsrpm + "\n")
+ d.setVarFlag('SBUILDSPEC', 'func', '1')
+ bb.build.exec_func('SBUILDSPEC', d)
# Build the rpm package!
d.setVar('BUILDSPEC', cmd + "\n")
d.setVarFlag('BUILDSPEC', 'func', '1')

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