From: Xiaofeng Yan <>

Add file "tar_archive.bbclass" and modify file "package_rpm.bbclass" for 
packaging source codes tree to source rpm and tar packages.
After adding srpm function in file "package_rpm.bbclass", user can get source 
rpm packages beside rpm package.
User also get tar packages of source codes tree according to the requirement 
from bug 1655. The final result is as follow:
Take qemux86 for an example:
Get source rpm pakcages
1 Inherit tar_archive.bbclass in package_rpm.bbclass.
2 Select the type of packaging source code tree in conf/local.conf(ARCHIVE_TYPE 
?= "SRPM")
3 Run the following command 
  $ bitbake core-image-sato -c copysources
4 Get source rpm packages:
  $ tree build/tmp/deploy/sources
  └── qemux86
    ├── all-poky-linux
    │   ├── encodings-1.0.4-r2.1.src.rpm
    ├── i586-poky-linux
    │   ├── acl-2.2.51-r2.src.rpm
    └── qemux86-poky-linux
        ├── base-files-3.0.14-r70.src.rpm
Get tar packages:
1 Inherit tar_archive.bbclass in an suitable position (for example, 
2 Select the type of packaging source code tree in conf/local.conf(ARCHIVE_TYPE 
?= "TARGZ")
3 Run the following command 
  $ bitbake core-image-sato -c copysources
4 Get tar packages: 
  $ tree build/tmp/deploy/sources
  └── qemux86
    ├── all-poky-linux
    │   ├── encodings-1_1.0.4-r2.1
    │   │   ├── encodings-1_1.0.4-r2.1.tar.gz
    │   │   └── log.tar.gz
    ├── i586-poky-linux
    │   ├── acl-2.2.51-r2
    │   │   ├── acl-2.2.51-r2.tar.gz
            └── log.tar.gz
    └── qemux86-poky-linux
        ├── core-image-sato-1.0-r0
        ├── libzypp-0.0-git1+15b6c52260bbc52b3d8e585e271b67e10cc7c433-r17
        │   ├── 
        │   └── log.tar.gz

if inheriting tar_archive.bbclass in one bb file, then only package source 
codes tree of this file.
Take zlib for an example:
Get source rpm pakcage of zlib
1 Inherit tar_archive.bbclass in
2 Select the type of packaging source code tree in conf/local.conf(ARCHIVE_TYPE 
?= "SRPM")
3 Run the following command 
  $ bitbake zlib
4 Get source rpm package:
  $ ls build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/zlib-1.2.5-r3/deploy-srpm/i586/

Get tar package of zlib
1 Inherit tar_archive.bbclass in
2 Select the type of packaging source code tree in conf/local.conf(ARCHIVE_TYPE 
?= "TARGZ")
3 Run the following command 
  $ bitbake zlib 
4 Get tar package:
  $ ls build/tmp/work/i586-poky-linux/zlib-1.2.5-r3/
    zlib-1.2.5-r3.tar.gz log.tar.gz ......

Pull URL: git://
  Branch: xiaofeng/1655

    Xiaofeng Yan <>

Xiaofeng Yan (2):
  package_rpm.bbclass: add srpm function in spec file
  tar_archive.bbclass: Package source codes and log files to tar

 meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass |   65 ++++++++++--
 meta/classes/tar_archive.bbclass |  216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 meta/classes/tar_archive.bbclass


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