> -----Original Message-----
> From: openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org <openembedded-
> c...@lists.openembedded.org> On Behalf Of Robert P. J. Day via
> lists.openembedded.org
> Sent: 07 May 2021 15:12
> To: OE Core mailing list <openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org>
> Subject: [OE-core] SDK question: does "-c populate_sdk" build SDK based on
> entire image?
>   almost certainly a silly question as i'm still poring over the
> mechanics of standard SDK creation, but if i define a perfectly normal
> image, then build the corresponding SDK with:
>   $ bitbake -c populate_sdk my_image
> is the resulting SDK populated based on the entire contents of the
> target image? that is, if i subsequently add a new package to the
> target and rebuild the SDK, will the new SDK now contain the
> corresponding content from that newly-added package? (i'm just about
> to test this with a build but that's going to take over an hour on
> this server. *sigh* ...)

We use the SDK a lot to give application developers an easy to use a dev 
environment which has all the support to build against the libraries included 
in target images. The SDK of an image recipe will contain all the *-dev 
packages matching the packages installed in the target for the same image (i.e. 
if foobar is installed in the target image then foobar-dev is installed in the 
SDK image, if it exists).

>   now, i realize that if i just want to add content to the SDK without
> adding to target, i can use one or both of:
> but if someone asks for new content both for the target and the SDK,
> is it sufficient to just add to target?

Yes, with the exception of recipes for which only the headers are used when 
compiling a recipe that is included in the target image. As no library is being 
linked for it then no package is installed into the target, so no corresponding 
*-dev package is included in the SDK. A typical example of this is boost when 
the header-only boost libs are used (and I suspect the same happens for static 
libs). In such a case you can add the recipes to TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK (we 
actually have an sdk packagegroup that we add to TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK that 
pulls in all target SDK things that we want in the SDK but not in the target 

Other things that you may need to add manually to TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK are 
supporting tools to run on the build host which are not included in the SDK by 
default, like nativesdk-glib-2.0-codegen to get the gdbus-codegen utility.

>   and one more question that inspired all of this. i was asked to add
> a particular executable to an SDK, call it /usr/bin/fubar. fair
> enough, i thought, it was short work to determine that that binary
> came from the recipe fubar_1.0.bb. but i checked and that package was,
> in fact, being installed in the target, so i was puzzled as to why it
> wasn't in the SDK as well.
>   i checked the recipe for fubar and, to my chagrin, it contained the
> snippet:
>   do_install_append() {
>     rm -rf ${D}/usr/bin/fubar
>   }
> well, that explained it, so as a first test, i'm just going to dump
> that snippet from the recipe, which will install the executable on the
> target, and will(?) also install it in the SDK?
> rday
Diego Santa Cruz, PhD
Technology Architect

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