Op 1 dec. 2011, om 14:16 heeft Philip Balister het volgende geschreven:

> On 11/29/2011 03:06 PM, Koen Kooi wrote:
>> Op 29 nov. 2011, om 20:36 heeft Ulf Samuelsson het volgende geschreven:
>>> On 2011-11-29 16:03, Richard Purdie wrote:
>>>>> 2.    "ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzcode2011i.tar.gz"; is no longer
>>>>> available.
>>>>>         tzdata , same problem.
>>>>>         The recipe is located in two places.
>>>>>         meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tz*/tz*.bb have the
>>>>> problem
>>>>>         This is what the build uses.
>>>> This is something to raise with the meta-oe maintainers. I think there
>>>> isn't a problem in OECore.
>>> Since we now have a large number of layers, maybe it is a good
>>> idea to define in each layer,  how the "git send email" should behave in
>>> by providing a better ".git/config" file in the trunk?
>>> I.E:
>>> [sendemail]
>>>   to = openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org
>>> or
>>> meta-angstrom/.git/config
>>> [sendemail]
>>>   to = angstrom-distro-de...@linuxtogo.org
>>> [format]
>>>   subjectprefix = "[meta-angstrom]"
>>> No need to look in the README file with this.
>> That assumes git-send-email is the preferred way, which it isn;'t for a lot 
>> of layers
> Even if it is not the preferred way, it would direct the discussion to
> the appropriate list. This would reduce the number of mis-directed
> emails to this list.

You can't fix stupid, sadly.

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