On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 12:24 +0100, Ulf Samuelsson wrote:
> Downloaded the latest, and tried building console-image for qemuarm.
> Host = Ubuntu 11.04 i686.
> Looked through the build log, and thought I'd share it with the list.

Thanks for doing this, its valuable feedback.

> A number of warnings (see below)

We're trying to work through addressing those. Some of them are from
versions in meta-oe where there is a fix for the error in OECore (such
as the libgcc linker hash style).

> Seen a couple of errors as well.
> 1.    ERROR: Function 'useradd_sysroot' failed
>          Tried to access "/etc/group" but this was locked.
>          Problem disappeared the next time I rebuilt.

Can you file a bug about this problem please. I think we need to go
through the code paths in shadow and ensure its locking is sane. I took
a quick look at the code and was left wondering what lckpwdf() does for
example. Scott, could you take a look at this?

> 2.    "ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzcode2011i.tar.gz"; is no longer 
> available.
>          tzdata , same problem.
>          The recipe is located in two places.
>          meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-extended/tz*/tz*.bb have the 
> problem
>          This is what the build uses.

This is something to raise with the meta-oe maintainers. I think there
isn't a problem in OECore.

> 3.    When I ran into this problem, I exited with ctrl-C.
>          This left some recipes in the middle of a fetch ,and the build 
> could not continue.
>          I had to "bitbake -c clean <package>" on all problematic 
> packages to recover.
>          Seems a little bit fragile to me.

Yes, this isn't good. Could you file a bug report on this please?

> 4.     linux-3.0 recipe in meta-ti does not build (On Ubuntu 11.10 x64).
>          Fails in the fetch stage.
>          I removed the layer, since it was not needed for qemuarm.

Makes sense and its something raise with the meta-ti layer maintainers
which I think I've seen elsewhere.

> 5.    When compiling on a Ubuntu 11.10 x64 host  (linux 3.x host)
>          tiff won't build.
>          Did:
>              bitbake console-image"
>              bitbake -c clean tiff
>              bitbake  tiff
>          - No luck
>          Reading through the mailing list, I found someone which deleted
>          $TMPDIR and then
>              bitbake tiff
>              bitbake console-image
>          That worked for me as well once, second time, same problem.
>          Problem is that #include <iostream> fails.
>          I noted that "iostream" is built and available in 
> <sysroot>/usr/include/c++
>          On the host, it is located in /usr/incolude/c++/<version>
>          "tiff" build seems to be OK with Ubuntu 11.04 i686.

I think these errors should be fixed by recent changes. If not I'd be
interested in the full console log please.



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