Hi Mike,

On Friday, 6 October 2017 3:49:28 AM NZDT Mike Looijmans wrote:
> I'm confused.
> Layer "meta-xilinx" defines:
> recipes-bsp/arm-trusted-firmware/arm-trusted-firmware_2017.1.bb
> This recipe is too old for my liking, so I made a newer one in "meta-topic"
> recipes-bsp/arm-trusted-firmware/arm-trusted-firmware_2017.3.bb
> Much to my surprise, when I build, OE picks the 2017.1 version and not the 
> 2017.3 version.
> bitbake-layers show-layers reveils:
> ..
> meta-xilinx           /home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/meta-xilinx  5
> meta-topic            /home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/meta-topic  6
> ..
> so that means that my meta-topic should win even if my PV were lower, right?

At face value I would have to agree - it doesn't sound like it's working the 
way it should.

What does bitbake-layers show-recipes  arm-trusted-firmware show ?

Another diagnostic would be to do bitbake -DDD arm-trusted-firmware and see if 
it gives any explanation as to why it's picking the older version (you'll have 
to wade through all of the other irrelevant debug info though).



Paul Eggleton
Intel Open Source Technology Centre
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