On 05-10-17 16:59, Mark Hatle wrote:
On 10/5/17 9:49 AM, Mike Looijmans wrote:
I'm confused.

Layer "meta-xilinx" defines:


This recipe is too old for my liking, so I made a newer one in "meta-topic"


Much to my surprise, when I build, OE picks the 2017.1 version and not the
2017.3 version.

Typically the version is selected by whichever PV is 'higher'.  However there
are many ways to change this behavior.

The primary way is for a configuration file (often the machine configuration) to
defined a preferred version.  I.e.

   PREFERRED_VERSION_arm-trusted-firmware = "2017.1"

Most likely there is a line like that someone in meta-xilinx.

Nope, no such line.

Additional ways would be to have a recipe define itself as never the default

bitbake-layers show-layers reveils:
meta-xilinx           /home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/meta-xilinx  5
meta-topic            /home/mike/projects/zynq-platform/meta-topic  6

The layer priority does not directly affect recipe selection.  It may if you
have two layers of the -same- version.


so that means that my meta-topic should win even if my PV were lower, right?

Kind regards,

Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Products
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Mike Looijmans
System Expert

TOPIC Products
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