On Tue, May 03, 2011 at 10:12:00AM +0200, Michael Lippautz wrote:
> On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 09:57:18AM -0700, Kamble, Nitin A wrote:
> > Michael,
> >    This patch is invasive for python recipe but looks fine to me. How much 
> > testing have you done? We have few python extensions in yocto repo, and 
> > none of them were hit by this issue. So which python extensions are seeing 
> > the issue?
> Basically any package that uses Python extensions [1] including C libraries
> should suffer from this. The compilation of the package issues a cross-compile
> warning, but the packaging should fail due to QA checks.
> Background [once more]:
> When building Python packages that contain C extensions, distutils has to 
> figure
> out the compiler/linker options. Distutils utilizes its own sysconfig module 
> to
> do so. However, this distutils.sysconfig module fetches the variables from the
> sysrooted Makefile (of the target). Without this patch this results in
> -I/usr/include and -L/usr/lib in the compiler/linker execution. (Python C
> extension are linked against -lpython2.6 for various reasons.)
> The patches shuffles the Makefiles (sysroot/target) around in a way that for
> each bitbake step the right file is in place.
> I did test this with some (private) packages and a gpsd build (2.96) that I 
> have
> not yet pushed somewhere. Everything works as expected so far.

I've tested this patch on python-numeric, reported here

and this patch works for me and looks better than
distutils-common-base.bbclass: Prepend STAGING_LIBDIR to linker library search 

BTW: PR was changed in 2870697f08c171f455dbba03dd529b8c4cf11937 so it
has to be changed in this patch to apply and there is extra ']' in
subject line.

Acked-by: Martin Jansa <martin.ja...@gmail.com>

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