Op 29 apr 2011, om 12:44 heeft Michael Lippautz het volgende geschreven:

> This fixes compilation/linking of Python 3rd party extensions.
> ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/python<pyver>/config/Makefile needs the correct
> INCDIR and LIBDIR settings to be used in cross compilation for the
> target. 3rd party module use distutils.sysconfig which uses this
> Makefile to create compiler/linker flags.
> Workflow:
> 1) compile needs the staged/sysroot Makefile since it is needed
>   for compilation/linking
> 2) install needs the unmodified Makefile to install files (i.e.
>   headers) into the right directores. (otherwise they would be
>   installed in ${D}/${STAGING_...}
> 3) staging needs modified Makefile again
> 4) packaging needs unmodified to make compilation on the target
>   possible

Does any of the sysroot leak into the 3rd party extensions after this patch? 
Apart from that question, the patch looks good to me, although I needed a cup 
of coffee to work out the flow.


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